Anna Sophia Rydgren

Anna Sophia Rydgren is a Swedish intuitive artist based in Stockholm whose works have been featured in collections and exhibitions in the US and Europe, within both luxury and private resident sectors. Her artistic output encompasses both modern and fine art.
Rydgren developed a love for art at a young age, spending most of her days painting and working with ceramics and textiles in her grandmother's studio. Her grandmother was an artist and dressmaker who had a heartfelt influence on Anna Sophia. This catalyzed Anna Sophia's infinite appreciation and profound connection to the adornment of textile, tactile and visual elements that she implements within her works today.
A strong influence of Scandinavian minimalism and design can be seen in Rydgren's abstract art as she effortlessly traverses multiple artistic styles. From abstract minimalism, which explores the relationship between positive and negative space, to subtle textures and lines, her works create a tapestry of understated elegance and depth.

By accepting and understanding that every experience is unique, Rydgren enables the observer to find strength and comfort through each transformative thought and experience, allowing them to find beauty in life's imperfections.

Anna seeks not to impose meaning but to invite interpretation—to create a visual dialogue that transcends the confines of language that speaks directly to the soul.

Anna Sophia Rydgren has exhibited widely in European cities such as Paris, London, Madrid, Brussel, Milan, Marbella, and Stockholm. Her work continues to belong to numerous private and public collections, among US Celebrities and prestigious hotel projects. Other widely known publications have featured Rydgren, including Vogue/House & Garden and US media shown on AspireTV.