Eva Anna Objects

Eva Anna Gulacsi, is an architect and metalsmith who studied traditional jewelry making, but was always more interested in creating something for the home.
 She asks: do the objects you surround yourself with give you joy and inspiration? Maybe you never looked at knobs and handles as a possibility to be inspired, but you should.
We often underestimate the influence of little things, but even the smallest details can define how you feel yourself in that place.
 Eva Anna creates functional art objects using traditional metalsmithing techniques embracing heritage, and making things that last.
The brand has two missions: functionality and art.
The objects are designed to be comfortable grabbing them; with their soft shape they fit perfectly in your grip.
They are made of solid brass and bronze which will serve you for a lifetime. 
 Eva Anna is encouraging you to make conscious choices: choose long-lasting pieces that elevate your personal space. She makes every object herself so she can make sure that the finished product looks and behaves exactly how she envisioned it.